There are many of us in the community who have never had the need to understand or acknowledge fully what the term “Mental Health issues” mean to so many of us who struggle daily with everything these words entail. In the last 18 months the world has been turned upside down with the health pandemic we all know as Covid. For the everyday person covid has created some degree of mental havoc. For the people who were already struggling to begin with, covid has almost devastated the ray of hope and light they had and were holding onto.
So the questions are…While we are living in this holding pattern and in a world of the unknown, what can we do to help keep ourselves in check? And how will our mental health reign through these uncertain times?
We are living in a time where society’s knowledge and awareness on this topic needs to be broadened, and open minded conversations need to begin rather than staying silent on this taboo topic. Mental Health and peoples’ wellbeing need to be prioritised and should be given the public attention that it has been waiting patiently in the wings to receive. It should be treated equally and given as much priority as our own physical health. Ultimately, our views on Mental Health should be constantly evolving and growing as we all walk forward towards a better future.
The sudden and unexpected announcement of a worldwide Heath crisis irreversibly changed all our lives and our safe, normal everyday routine came to an abrupt halt. Inevitably, Covid has brought a lot of fear and uncertainty into our usually sunshine filled world that we have been freely able to bask in without a worry in the world, until this point. Now, we find ourselves facing off against a totally unknown enemy and our sense of security and safety has all but disappeared and been compromised overnight.
Our new “normal” with covid has tested our resilience and will power to overcome obstacles and struggles in our lives. All the while, being pushed to the limits of what we can handle as human beings. There is no set precedence or book telling us the "101 Ways to Handle this virus” and there is always a breaking point. This epidemic has impacted every part of our lives whether it has been emotionally, physically, professionally or financially for a prolonged period of time. Without question, our Mental Health was going to be sabotaged in some way, even if you had not struggled with your mental wellbeing in the past.
For some, poor Mental Health can be a rather long, lonely and isolating road to walk down on its own merit without external pressures bearing down on you. The frightening, stressful and confusing emotions of covid has only added more fuel to an already raging inferno. My advice for anyone who is fighting their own battle right now against Mental Health is to be brave for one moment. Keep moving forward even if it’s just one small step. Don’t suffer in silence, have a voice and ask for the help you need. Reach out your hand, that might just be the lifeline you’ve been searching for. You are enough and worthy of happiness. Finally, never let the hope that is burning inside you extinguish because you are just as deserving as anyone else to see the dawning of a new day and you can try again! Covid might have a lot to answer for, but there is so much more to life than covid.
Remember, Tomorrow is another day.
Nicky. X
This blog was written in conjunction with Dom, an amazing young lady who has incredible insight into mental health concerns as she has struggled through them herself. Look out for other blogs written by her!
Watch out for our next blogs
#2 depression the rise and the fall, the dark & the dawn, what is really feels like?
